Scottsdale Laser Hair

pre and post


pre-treatment instructions of hair removal
avoid sun exposure
Avoid sun exposure in the area to be treated for several weeks before (and after) treatments.
shave area

Shave area shortly before your treatment, minimum 24 hours

skin clean

Come to your appointment with skin clean and free of lotions, fragrance, make-up etc

avoid heat generating activities

Avoid heat generating activities for a few hours before your procedure – sauna, hot bathing/soaking, exercise.

be prepare to wear

Be prepared to wear SPF 30+ sunscreen and avoid sun and tanning after your treatment

post-treatment instructions of hair removal
cool pack

Apply cool pack to treated site immediately after treatment if needed.

shower with warm water

Bathe/shower with warm(not hot) water for the first two days after a treatment. Use gentle, non-abrasive cleanser that is free of artificial fragrance, detergent, color and oil. Avoid exfoliating the skin with loofas or abrasive scrubs.

avoid jacuzzis and saunas

Do not use hot water or “soak” in the tub. Avoid Jacuzzis and saunas.

no exercise

No strenuous exercise for 48 hours.

Blistered or ulcerated skin

If scabs appear after blistering, they should be kept soft with a lubricating cream. Blistered or ulcerated skin may be treated with an antibiotic ointment or burn treatment cream. Notify your laser/IPL professional.

Avoid use of toners

Facial treatment(s) may use an oil-free, non-medicated cover up, preferably one with sunscreen. Avoid use of toners for 48 hours. Thereafter, toners that contain the complete group of antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E may be used. Chemical peels are not recommended throughout the treatments.

apply 1% hydrocortisone cream

If needed, apply 1% hydrocortisone cream to the treated area every 12-hours for the first 48-hours after treatment if instructed by personnel. Moisturize with Aloe Vera gel or light fragrance-free moisturizer, after the first 48 hours.

Avoid using skin irritants

Avoid using skin irritants, Retin-A, Benzyl Peroxide, Glycolic Acid, and astringents on the treated areas. Avoid deodorant for 48 hours if the underarm area was treated.

refrain from shaving

Refrain from shaving or plucking treated area. Waxing and plucking may delay future treatment(s). It will take longer for the hair to reappear.

Wear protective clothing

Avoid exposure to the sun. Wear protective clothing and use sun block SPF 30 or higher, daily throughout the treatment process [5-8 months]. A good sun block will contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide and will protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Tanning after treatment may cause hyper-pigmentation.

Note: Possible side effects of treatment may include redness, local swelling, dry skin, mild tenderness or whitehead-like bumps. Symptoms may be present immediately or appear several days after treatment. If symptoms persist, contact your laser professional.

A Few More Things We Need to Know
Any changes to your medical history

New diagnosis? New pregnancy? New medications? We need to know. Please tell us, as some medical conditions and medications are not compatible with laser treatments. It may be necessary to reschedule your appointment, as your health and safety are always our top priority!

If you get cold sores
If you have a history of HSV-1, we recommend you take an antiviral medication starting 24-48 hours before your treatment to prevent an outbreak, and continuing for three to five days after. Contact your primary care provider if you need prescription medication.